
Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire
Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire

Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire

Now, without further ado, here is all the information you need to know about the book that came in 7th place!! GOODREADS SYNOPSIS Thank you to Dave from and the whole team over at the past year’s competition, and for letting me take part in these tours.

Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire

I had such great fun participating in last year’s panel, and I can’t wait to take part in this year’s panel, but until then, I am going to be bringing you blog posts for all 10 of the finalists, with some reviews where I can squeeze them in, so stay tuned for those. Today’s post is a spotlight for Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire, which came 7th place in the #BBNYA2021 competition that I was lucky enough to be on the panel for!!

Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire